Monday, May 24, 2010

stuck in my own head

I've been stuck in my own head lately. I've tried reading books, and talking to friends, but I keep coming back to the "what ifs" and all the other things that seem to poison my mind. I got an argument over nothing with my husband yesterday and blamed it on PMS. It didn't matter though, the apology didn't matter. He was hurt, I was wrong, and he took our daughter and left for a few hours. I had more time to myself, more time to stew in my own head, not a good time.

This morning the child was troublesome, but he and I were back on the same page again. I'm grateful for this. I don't like it when we get misaligned. I'm still off somewhere though, and trying to find my way back to the present. I'm not sure why.


  1. When I have an argument, then I don't wait to spiral down. I make my apology and then move on. Otherwise I will stew over something and build up resentment.

  2. I hear ya Syd. I wasn't really dwelling on the argument after I made my apology, I was just kind of not focused on the present, and the here and now. Very daydreamy and distracted.
