Friday, July 31, 2015

Does your faith sustain you?

I was thinking about this earlier today. Does your faith sustain you? Can you turn to it when you are trying to sort out a secular problem? Or do you go to church on Sundays and forget about it the rest of the week?

What about your Al-Anon program? Is it just something you focus on during a meeting, or when you are dealing with the alcoholic in your life? Or do you use the tools when coping with other things in life?

I haven't been to meetings in a long, long time but the tools I have gained from those meetings, and from the literature which I still have, stays with me. I try to apply it to my daily life.

My husband needs to see his doctor. Know what? It's NOT MY PROBLEM. I have to let that go and let him live his own life.

We bought a new car. I feel guilty, Know what? I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY. I am allowed good things in life. Just because my mother doesn't have a car (too many DUIs) doesn't mean I deserve something less for myself. I need to let go of the guilt!

My kid has days when she chooses to be in a bad mood. Know what? I can't control it, I didn't cause it, and I can't cure it. (Granted I check myself to make sure I didn't cause it.) I need to let that go too.

Every day, multiple times a day, I find myself using the tools from Al-Anon.

Whether you use the tools from Al-Anon or the tools from your favorite religious teachings I hope they sustain you through good times and bad.


  1. You have to be strong and supportive. Sometimes the side effects and withdrawal symptoms are so strong and potent that the baby needs to be hospitalized at least for the first few weeks after birth. This condition can be life threatening.
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    1. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your comment doesn't seem to match anything I wrote so maybe you are spamming me. Still it's a surprise to see my writing from 2015 get anyone's attention.
