Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's been 20 years since my first Al-Anon meeting

Okay, well to be honest, I'm not sure of the exact date but I know it was 1990, and it was some time between January-May, and I'm leaning toward January side of things.

I was a college freshman, and had not been living at home for many years. I went to visit my mother, and my little brother (who is 9-10 years younger than I am). I didn't have a car, and I took a bus to get to her house. The plan was to stay over, and catch the bus back to my apartment in the morning. I ended up babysitting, and she came home drunk, and there was a fight. I got back to my apartment in a police car. My housemates tried to be helpful, but couldn't do much. I went to the health clinic to document my injuries in case I needed to press charges or something. I never did press charges. I was referred to a counselor, but she was busy and she told me to go to an Al-Anon meeting while I waited and I did.

Now I haven't been faithful about going to meetings over the years. As I have said before, I've been very off and on. Right now I'm not getting to the meetings, but I am reading the books, following the blogs, and trying to live the life.  I'm surprised it's been 20 years though. Wow.


  1. 20 years is a long time. I often see people who have left the program return. I think there's a reason people keep coming back. Best of luck on your journey.

  2. Many congratulations. I'm glad that you are here and providing your experience, strength, and hope.
