I said something yesterday, quoted it actually, and I'm going to repeat it here:
"Our actual parent is a Higher Power whom some of us choose to call God. Although we had alcoholic or dysfunctional parents, our Higher Power gave us the Twelve Steps of Recovery."
Now I've been meditating on this a bit. We are all God's children, or children of the universe, or however we choose to define it. I have heard often the expression "Anyone can be a father, it takes someone special to be a dad!" But we don't seem to have an equivalent for mothers, do we? I haven't heard it.
So this person who gave birth to me, and who has abused me for nearly 40 years is my biological mother. I have never had a "step-mother", although I've wanted one. She is the only "mother" I've known. However if I remember that we are all "God's children" then maybe that will help me to detach, to let go of that fear of abandonment.
okay, that's it. Just a quick one for now.
The fear of abandonment is a tough one. I have that same fear. But I realize today that the past doesn't have to define who I am anymore. There are other ways for me to face these fears thanks to Al-Anon.